
Ericom Shield system comes with English (US) as the default language. In this section of the Admin Console, it is possible to add new languages or to edit existing language files.

Language Translations

The language file contains all Admin Console strings (labels, messages, dialogs etc.) and all end user messages (notifications, status updates, CDR related messages etc.).

It is possible to select a language file as the Admin Console display language, as the End User language, or as both.

I.e., if the admin is in English, but the end users prefer French, select the EN language file as the Admin Console display language and the FR language file as the End User language.

Add New Language

Click the Add New Language option on the top left of the toolbar. Enter a name for the required language and the language locale and click save.

Add New Language

The newly added language will now appear in the list of available Languages.

Select the new language from the Language drop down list. Once selected, changes can be made to the labels, strings, messages etc. Once done, save all changes. Select the Admin Console Display/End User checkboxes, as desired. If the changes were made to a file defined as Admin Console Language, the file will be reloaded and changes will be effective immidiately.

End User Language

All strings visible to end users are defined in the language files (along with the admin console strings). Users can select the desired language using the right-click-menu.

Context menu

The available languages are the ones defined in the admin. All texts generated by Shield system are affected by the selected language, including errors, messages, status details etc. The selected language is kept locally for the end user and will affect current & future sessions.

Customize End User Messages

It is possible to modify the messages the end users recieve when using Shield (error message, blocked URLs, etc.). Possible modifications are:

  1. Additional texts (title, explanations etc.)
  2. Change text colors, fonts, size

This can be done using html tags within the messages strings. End users strings are prefixed with STR_. Find the specific string using search option (CTRL+F), and modify as desired. Once strings are updated and saved, changes will take effect.