Ericom Shield includes a notifications and alerts mechanism. For details see here.
These alerts can be sent to users using several methods, e.g.: Slack, emails or POST requests.
System statistics and end user feedback can also be sent, using the same methods.
System statistics are sent once every 24 hours. Alerts and end user feedback are sent simultaneously, as they are issued.
In this section of the administration console, it is possible to define the required settings for each of these methods. Multiple methods can be defined simultaneously.
フィードバックや匿名の統計情報をEricom社へ送信する機能は、製品の今後の機能改善の参考のために提供するものです。 提供データはあくまでもメーカーへの情報提供であり、これらのデータに基づいて、必ずしも不具合が修正されたり、何らかのサポートが提供されるものではありません。 また、データは当社(アシスト)にも提供されておりません。お問い合わせについては、サポートセンターへご連絡いただけますようお願いいたします。
Alerts and statistics can be sent using the Slack method. If new to Slack, please go here.
Slack can be used in two different channels:
Webhooks - for details on defining a webhook, go here.
Shield supports webhooks for alerts, statistics and end user feedback. Define the matching webhook URL to start receiving this information from Shield. The same webhook can be used for all fields, if desired.
OAuth - for details on defining OAuth, go here.
When working with OAuth, define a token that matches the different channels (available for alerts, statistics and end user feedback.)
Define a SMTP server to send alerts, statistics and end user feedback. Required settings are: Host, Port, whether to use securely of not and Credentials.
SMTP server does not support connecting with 2 Factor Authentication.
Define the account name that sends the alerts/stats/feedback, and a mail account to receive them. A seperated email address may be used for each option. The Alerts E-Mail Address To is the default address (in case the other address are empty). In each To address, multiple email addresses can be defined, seperated by a semicolon (“;”).
Define a specific subject text for each option (alerts/statistics/feedback), which makes filtering all received emails easier (as these might accumulate in time).
Alerts, statistics and end user feedback can be sent to any Web Service that supports POST requests. Define matching URLs for the desired options, and the relevant information will be sent from Shield to these URLs. The same URL can be used for all fields, if desired.
Send Test Alert¶
To verify that all desired alert channels are properly defined, fill in details and select the Send
A test alert is sent (to all defined channels). If this alert was not received correctly, this is due to incorrect settings. Update settings and try again.
List Of Alerts¶
Here is the list of alerts that can be found in the Shield Administration Console:
- There are no available user licenses
- There are no available session licenses
- Users licenses are about to run out (NumOfLicenses in use)
- Session licenses are about to run out (NumOfLicenses in use)
- License expiration date has passed
- License will expire on LicenseExpirationDate
- Your system requires activation
- The system is approaching its maximum Remote Browsers capacity on the following Dynamic Nodes Farm URLs: FarmInfo
- The system has reached its maximum Remote Browsers capacity on the following Dynamic Nodes Farm URLs: FarmInfo
- Failed contacting the following Dynamic Nodes Farm URLs: FarmInfo
- Browsers Farm CPU Usage is CpuUsage and potentially overloaded
- Browsers Farm Disk Usage is DiskUsage and potentially overloaded
- Browsers Farm Memory Usage is MemoryUsage and potentially overloaded
- The following nodes are not in the ‘Ready’ state: NodesList
- CPU Usage is potentially overloaded on the following nodes: NodesList
- Disk Usage is potentially overloaded on the following nodes: NodesList
- Memory Usage is potentially overloaded on the following nodes: NodesList
- Authentication Settings Errors (specifying the incorrect setting)
- Failed contacting Sanitization Server on the following Dynamic Nodes Farm URLs: FarmInfo
- Votiro Cloud Evaluation version cannot be used in a production deployment. It is being used on the following Dynamic Nodes Farm URLs: FarmInfo
- No matching license for the selected CDR provider (CDRProviderName)
- Antivirus scan is not included under the current license terms. Please purchase a matching license
- Failed to contact Categories Provider Server on the following Dynamic Nodes Farm URLs: FarmInfo
- Some replicas of the following services are not running: ServicesList
- There are currently no standby remote browsers
- DNS Settings are not complete. Fill in at least one internal and one external DNS address under Settings | DNS
- Administration Console FQDN not set. To use the administration console in a secure manner, fill in FQDN under Settings | SSL
- Some users are associated with several Active Directory groups, therefore, relate to several Shield profiles. This may lead to inconsistent Shield Policies enforcement. It is recommended for each user to be part of a single Shield group.