How To Configure Advanced Features In Built-In CDR Solution

Change Log Level

It is possible to change the logging level of the CDR solution. Default log level is Debug.

To do so, go to the following path on the CDR server: C:\Program Files\Votiro\SDS Web Service\Config, and modify logs.xml file.

All log settings are defined in this file (e.g., LogLevel, MaxFileSize, NumberOfBackups etc.) and can be updated.

These settings are valid for each sanitization node. Same goes for the API and SNMC logs.

After updating the settings in the logs.xml, the SNMC and API services must be restarted on the CDR server.

Enable HTTPS (SSL)

An SSL certificate is used to establish a secure encrypted connection between a browser and a server. An SSL certificate must be installed on the server and all browsers that connect to the CDR using HTTPS. You must have administrator privileges on the CDR server and access to the Windows SDK to use the file makecert.exe. The process involves generating and installing an SSL certificate. If you already have an SSL certificate, skip to step2.

  1. Create and install a certificate on the CDR server:
  • Create a ROOT certificate by issuing the following command:

    makecert.exe -sk RootCA -sky signature -pe -n CN=<MachineHostName> -r -sr LocalMachine -ss Root <RootCertName>.cer
  • Create a server certificate:

    makecert.exe -sk server -sky exchange -pe-n CN=<CDRServerIpAddress> -ir LocalMachine -isRoot -ic <RootCertName>.cer -sr LocalMachine -ss My <CertName>.cer
  • Browse to the Windows Certificate list and verify that a new valid certificate exists under the Personal path.

  • Copy the server certificate’s Thumbprint under Details > Thumbprint.

  • Bind the server certificate to your SSL port (default: 443) with the following command:

    netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=<thumbprint> appid={b6445322-3509-4d0f-8b4b-0a12eeadaed0}
  1. Restart the Votiro.Sanitization.API and Votiro.SNMC Windows services.
  2. Browse to https://CDRServerIPAddress/SDSService/v3. Verify that there is no certificate warning or validation issue.

Download Big Files

In the Shield built-in CDR solution there is a known limitation for file size. Maximum size allowed for sanitization is 2.1 GB.

In order to allow larger files, follow these steps:

  1. Go to C:\Program Files\Votiro\SDS Web Service
  2. Edit SdsApiService.exe.config file: increase the maxReceivedMessageSize under WEBHttpBinding_ISdsWebService and WEBSecureHttpBinding_ISdsWebService to the desired size (in bytes)
  3. Go to C:\Program Files\Votiro\SDS Web Service\config
  4. Edit machine.xml file: under SystemSettings add MaxInProcessSizeInBytes=”5368709120” with the same size you entered in step 2.
  5. Restart both services – Votiro.Sanitization.API and Votiro.SNMC.

Update User Displayed Message

For archived folders, when the included files are blocked (by the CDR process), they are replaced with a pdf document to inform the user that the item has been blocked. It is possible to change the message displayed to the user by updating the dictionary template located on the CDR server.

The dictionary templates are located in C:\Program files\Votiro\SDS Web Service\Templates\Dictionaries

After updating the dictionary templates, the SNMC and API services must be restarted on the CDR server.