How To Set Up A Multi Machine System - Legacy Mode

Setting up a multi-machine Shield system is a process thoroughly described in here.

Here is a quick guide that summarizes the required steps:

To install 3 identical Shield Servers (containing ALL components)

  1. Install the first server as described here.

  2. On the 2 additional servers, follow the same pre-requisies as above and then run:

    sudo wget
    sudo chmod +x
    sudo ./
  3. From the first (leader) machine, run the following command to configure updates:

    sudo /usr/local/ericomshield/ sshkey


When prompted for SSH password, this is the password used to access the Linux machine.

  1. Create the cluster (from the leader machine). Run the following command:

    sudo /usr/local/ericomshield/ -ips xx.xx.xx.xx,yy.yy.yy.yy --management --shield-core --browser

where xx.xx.xx.xx,yy.yy.yy.yy are the IP’s of the 2nd and 3rd machines.

The setup is complete.

Advanced Configuration

  • To setup Servers with only browser containers, follow the steps described above but replace step 3 with the following command:

    sudo /usr/local/ericomshield/ -ips xx.xx.xx.xx,yy.yy.yy.yy --browser
  • To remove the browser containers from an existing management server, run the following commands (from the management server):

    sudo /usr/local/ericomshield/ -n

    The above command will list the servers that are part of the cluster, note the node name and run:

    sudo ./ -remove-label <NodeName> browser

    Where (NodeName) is the name of the machine where the browser containers are being removed.